Quote It!~16 Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep

by 2/03/2015 0 comments
It's been a really long since I've shared some quotes with you. So today is the day I'm going to do just that.

It's from a book I read a little while ago, and loved. And that's Jennifer Estep's Spider's Bite. You can find my review here.

I found that the narrator, and herione, Gin had a really great voice and this novel really kept me turning the pages. Hopefully the quotes might you give some clue as to why.

So he didn't sleep in the buff. A shame, really. 

He'd be even more attractive if he'd lose the righteous anger and the stick up his ass. But no man was perfect.

My vision blurred. Something burned my eyes. Crying. I was crying. Something I hadn't done in seventeen years.

I'd never been one to take the easy path in life.

Emotions were for those too weak to turn them off. And I hadn't been weak in a very long time.

Some of these make me shiver. Others made me grin. But all o f them kept me gripped in this intense read.

Happy Reading

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.