Review: Fisher's Light by Tara Sivec

by 9/24/2015 0 comments
This novel came to my attention a few months ago, and I was immediately drawn to the premise of the book. Second chance romance are always sweet in that it's wonderful to see a couple who thought they'd never be together again find a way to set aside past hurts and doubts and build a life together again.

My Rating: 
Genre: Contemporary Romance

I liked this novel, but it didn't wow me. Fisher and Lucy were a couple that had been together a long time, but as they grew and changed, and as Fisher's PTSD got worse and worse, their relationship began to seriously suffer in the communication department. Their breakup is brought up by an angry, scared outburst of Fisher's after a night of rough passion. His guilt and out of control emotions due to the PTSD and his drinking cause Fisher to push Lucy away and wound her deeply.

So Lucy sets about to continue to live her life. She is a really strong character who doesn't take crap from anyone, and when Fisher returns determined to win his wife back, Lucy isn't afraid to yell and scream at him. It was wonderful seeing these two fight because you knew that both of them loved each other passionately and weren't fighting each other, but for each other. So when they finally do find their back to one another, it's sweet and yet, something was missing. Lucy still doesn't quite trust Fisher, and then she really questions her trust in him and what he says, until disaster brings them together again and forces them to be entirely honest with each other about who they are.

As I said, I liked this novel. But something fell a little flat for me. I expected more raw emotion, and though Lucy and Fisher have plenty of emotion, I just didn't feel it as powerfully as I was expecting. I think it was because the break up was based on a misunderstanding that made the story less powerful for me. The misunderstanding was more hinged on a lack of communication more than anything else, and was brought to a head by Fisher's severe PTSD flashbacks. Perhaps if those flashbacks had pushed Fisher into doing some of things Lucy thought it did, I would have felt differently, but somehow although the story was well done, I wanted more from it.

Happy Reading

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.