What's the Scoop??? Banner Reveal

by 4/22/2018 0 comments
The month of April has gotten away from me. It seems like only yesterday I was celebrating Easter, which fell on April Fool's day, and now the month is wrapping up.

Without me having written a single review! Largely because the book I was reading was loooong--longer than I thought and then I had to return it on Overdrive and wait while someone else was listening to it, grrrrrrr.

Ah well, them's the breaks. But what I really wanted to blog about today was a tiny face lift I'm giving the blog. You might have noticed some time ago I changed around some things, polishing up the sidebar and widgets, hoping to make it more friendly for my readers and hopefully more useful as well. I started this blog five years now--which blows my mind--wanting to give my readers honest reviews, share my love of reading with those who had similar reading tastes and have the blog reflect a little bit of me. Over time, I've added features, removed some, reviewed a ton of books, changed the look of the blog several times now and polished things to give the blog more of a focused focus if you get my drift there. I haven't really changed much in a while because I finally got a look I love a couple of years ago and have stuck with it ever since. But a tiny face lift is all I thought the blog needed, and a tiny face lift is what is has been given.

Plus these new feature banners. As you know, I run three features on this blog that are all my own, What's the Scoop??? where I muse and share everything from all things bookish to updates on the blog, like today. The other two features are Quote It! and Feature Favourites and both have new banners as well. You'll see them soon. But today is the unvieling of the What's the Scoop??? new banner and while it's not really super exciting blog news, I thought I'd muse a little about how my blog has changed over the years and what not. My Devastating Reads has grown and changed with me and I hope it still offers you all honest reviews that are spoiler free (most of the time) and fun to read.

A book review it coming soon. I just finished up my loooong read today, whew!!

Happy Reading everyone, and stay tuned.


Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.