Review: In the Woods by Nancy Gideon

by 10/30/2016 0 comments
During the month of October I sometimes like to read books that have a supernatural/magic/paranormal feel to them. Last October I tried to read several books about witches, and that being slightly played out, and not all of them winners with me, this October I decided I would chose a novel by an author I liked. So I picked up this stand alone, horror novel by Nancy Gideon.

My Rating: 4 's
Genre: Horror
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Yes, I said horror. Not usually the type of book you see me reading and reviewing but I figured, what the heck. Game changers are always nice and I know this author can pen amazing stories. I have to say, at first, I wasn't sure what to expect from a novel that featured a sort of drunk as its hero, but when the action got going, this was hard to put down!

I will warn you however, that many characters meet grisly endings and I was grossed out by the events, but it's nothing you wouldn't get in a horror movie--which this novel is a novelization of so I have to say, the author did a great job of portraying that carnage. And while I wasn't sure what I felt about the hero at the beginning of the novel, I came to admire his strength and determination as he fought the demon dog and sought to protect not only his beloved wife, but the entire town from this demon creature of hell.

On the subject of the demon dog I have to say how much this thing freaked me out. The descriptions made him sound massive and unholy and gross. The way he chomped through people made me queasy. I was very glad once he was gone. I won't say how that happens, but I will say I fist pumped the air once he was out of the picture.

Another great novel by Nancy Gideon, In the Woods will give you nightmares.

Happy Halloween Reading,

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.