Review: Bounty by Kristen Ashley

by 7/26/2016 0 comments
I've been reading a series by Kristen Ashley, and while I've had some issues with the books, I've always enjoyed them more than I didn't enjoy them. But her latest in the series I just couldn't get into and I'm glad I'm done reading it, if only because it's read.

Series: Colorado Mountain, #7
My Rating: ❀'s
Genre: Contemporary Romance

That probably sounds a little harsh, and if it does, it's because I am so frustrated by this series and this novel especially. What bothers me about this series is that the books tend to have the same feel to them. The characters are starting to blend together because the heroes are very similar and so are the heroines. Largely, I think this is due to the style of writing, and I've tried to look deeper into the story when reading this series, but if I'm honest, this style bothers me.

And this book was no different. The heroine was cute and mature, sweet and kind and good hearted. The hero was big, hot and super protective of his girl. He had a sad, rough childhood and the heroine came from money and fame. Naturally, our hero Deke, didn't think they fit and naturally, our heroine Justice, wheedles her way into his heart.

But other than that, it's my opinion that a heck of a lot of nothing happens in this book. The romance is slow to start, the exciting things seem thrown in to make the story more interesting and the novel is really long. Really long, so that there were times I was bored, which I truly hate to admit but which is the absolute truth.

I like the people in this series. I like the community and family feel of these rough around the edges people and the stories aren't bad. I just wish they were more distinctive and that the novels were written with less attention to description and more attention paid to plot and character development.

Happy Reading,

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.