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ebook, First, 300 pages
Published May 25th 2013
by Smashwords
Laura knows there must be something better out there. This is the only life she is going to get, and dammit, she isn't going to waste one more day. When she runs away from home she certainly doesn't expect to fall instantly in love with a small east coast town, and a crusty, sexy Irishman.
As Kane and Laura explore the beauty of the land and a love that they never knew could exist, their fears for the future and the scars of the past threaten to tear apart a perfect forever.
My Thoughts
This is not my typical romance read. Of course, I try not and have a typical romance read, but this one is a bit different despite that fact. The heroine and hero are not young twenty to thirty something, but a bit older and in each other find a second chance at love--if they dare to take it.
Kane: Kane struck me from the opening pages as a bit of a lost soul. He's happy enough with where he is in life, can enjoy life simple's pleasures and has laid aside the ghosts of his past. They are with him, because ghosts live in our memories, but they no longer weigh so heavily on his heart. But still, despite this, I felt like something was missing in Kane's life. Like he was a man walking through the motions--happy, but perhaps longing for something more. Enter Laura, and suddenly Kane becomes a different man. Short tempered, sexy, he's a patient, loving man and exactly what Laura needs just as much as Laura is exactly what he needs. And Lord, but does she bring out the smoking hotness in him. I had some moments of pure shudder because he is so tender and erotic with Laura. It was wonderful to see how much he delighted in Laura, and how patient and kind hearted he was, and how passionate when the occasion arose.
Laura: She struck me as something of a little girl at heart, delighting in the glory of things like icebergs and the idea of raising sheep so she could make her own yarn. Hard working, warm, Laura has a big heart and she really, really likes Kane. She thinks he's sexy and sweet and cannot get enough of him--whether it's hiking through the woods or romping in the bushes, Laura is consumed how much she loves Kane. The only thing is, she's convinced Kane should be with someone else. Not because he doesn't love her, but because Laura cannot have children, and she really thinks Kane should be a father. Kane doesn't want to hear any such objections and is downright upset by them, but Laura, try as she might, cannot get the idea out of her head at all. So despite everything they've been through together, how far they've come, Laura decides to give Kane that chance even though it makes her miserable.
I really enjoyed Kane and Laura's story, and no, I won't tell you more right now about what happens. You'll have to read this book for yourself to find out. I myself was swept away by the romance, the quaint and sweet setting and characters and the damn steamy scenes in this novel. This novel has a bit of something for everyone and I hope to read the next in the series. I would like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of the novel in exchange for an honest review.
4.5 glittering stars
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