Quote It!~8 Sold to a Laird by Karen Ranney

by 5/07/2014 0 comments
Dear Readers, 

I have for you today a Quote It! post of a book I was reading while I should have been reading something
 else--you know me, reader's ADD and all. Anyway, it was a book I fell in love with and I hope the quotes I've selected to share with you will show you why.

The quotes are from a wonderful historical romance, Sold to a Laird by Karen Ranney. I'm itching to read the rest of the trilogy as well, but all in good time.

"You rob the words from me Sarah," he said softly.

He would not leave her. He couldn't. She'd lost her mother, and possibly her identity. She wouldn't lose him as well. 

How had she lived without passion? How had she lived without him?

"You give me the power to be anyone I chose to be...Would you mind if I chose to be Sarah Eston of Kilmarin, instead?"
"As long as you don't forget your true role," he said, smiling. 
"The laird's wife?"
"The laird's love," he said. 

Perfectly delicious! Thanks for stopping by!

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.